Frequently Asked Questions
What do I set the timing belt mark to with Adjustable VTCs?
My Billet Half-Moon won't sit flush - what's wrong?
Should I use heavy duty VTC springs with BDE rebuilt VTCs?
Z32 Low Profile mounts - is an ARP bolt missing?
Billet+Polyurethane mounts - why is the tightening
torque for the nuts lower than what's stated in the FSM for Nissan mounts?
Will BDE make a custom one-off transmission adapter?
Will the stock throttle cover work with BDE fuel rails?
Will Early VTC front covers fit Late VTC?
What do I set the timing belt mark to with Adjustable VTCs?
- With 3rd Element (built starting 2013) - set timing belt mark to the engraved zero mark (ignore the factory divot).
- Without 3rd element and black oxide coated (built starting 2013) - set timing belt mark to the engraved zero mark (ignore the factory divot).
- Without 3rd element and painted black (built before 2013) - set timing belt mark to the factory divot (marked with silver paint).
My Billet Half-Moon won't sit flush - what's wrong?
- Every now and then this happens and it is typically due to a burr or dented edge on the machined portion of the cylinder head.
The heads' machined edges are very sharp and it is possible one of the edges has been slightly dented causing the material
to form a burr. The solution for this is to use 180 to 220 grit wet-dry sand paper to sand the corners to remove burrs -
a good trick is to apply grease to the sandpaper so it will catch all the filings while you're sanding. When finished, the
Half-Moons will install with little effort.
Should I use heavy duty VTC springs with BDE rebuilt VTCs?
- Simple answer - No...
A little longer answer and why - by design, these springs do not have anything to do with reducing noise. The
only purpose of the VTC spring that installs behind the front VTC cover is to preload the VTC's internal thrust surface
which prevents the entire VTC from moving forward when oil pressure is applied during VTC activation. Without this spring,
the VTC would be able to wander forward and rearward 0.010" (normal internal VTC thrust clearance) when the VTC is off
and this unchecked movement could allow the timing belt to move with it... need I say more to explain why this would be bad?
A stock VG30DE(TT) VTC spring generates 23 lbs of preload when installed and truthfully, it doesn't need to be any
higher than this to be able to perform it's job. "Heavy duty" VTC springs are made from larger wire so they look
"heavy duty" but the problem is this larger wire takes up precious space and makes them install precariously
close to coil bind, and if they install coil bound they can jam the entire VTC mechanism and render it inoperable.
Incidentally, this is the only way this spring can prevent VTC noise.
Z32 Low Profile mounts - is an ARP bolt missing?
- No - The passenger side welded mount bracket's upper left bolt hole has a countersunk seat for a flat-head cap screw.
This modification was incorporated after the first build when the original ARP bolt head was found to have interference
with the wastegate actuators being used in larger GT30xx turbo applications - the solution was to countersink the
bolt head.
Billet+Polyurethane mounts - why is the tightening
torque for the nuts lower than what's stated in the FSM for Nissan mounts?
- The OE nuts are an interference fit while the BDE nuts are a Nyloc variety. Intereference lock nuts inherently
create a substantial amount of friction and additional torque is required to overcome this friction and preload the
fasterer properly. The Nyloc nuts provided with BDE mounts have much less friction and the torque is reduced accordingly.
Will BDE make a custom one-off transmission adapter?
- No - Unfortunately the time it takes to develop a transmission adapter properly is too high to justify making
a one-off adapter.
Will the stock throttle cover work with BDE Top-Feed fuel rails?
- No - with the limited space under the hood, when one part wants to occupy the same space as another it's a matter
of priorities... fuel rails are necessary, a decorative throttle cover isn't.
Will Early VTC front covers fit Late VTC?
- No - the front covers are different between Early and Late VTCs. Unfortunately Nissan has discontinued the
Late type front covers, so when you find or buy your cores always remember to get the font covers with them.